
Saturday, 23 October 2010

Princess Lili

Princes Lili is the second of my two Yorkshire Terriers the youngest of the two sisters and is completely different to Rudie Ru. She is nicknamed Li-De-Li.

If Li-De-Li was human she would be a pampered spoilt little rich girl, she walks about like she is the most important person alive with her head in the air, her tail straight and the most elegant walk she can muster.

She will stand and stare at you once she has entered the living room waiting patiently for you to lie a fur cushion flat for her to lay on. Once seated she will fix her tail and her fur so she looks at her best.

Li-De-Li has one main dislike and that is rain, she also hates wet grass. If it looks wet outside she will put a paw and her nose out to check that the rain has stopped if not she will refuse to go out unless you follow then she will do what is necessary as quickly as possible. She will not however go onto the grass when wet even if it is only dew.

Li-De-Li loves to be pampered she will sit to be brushed and groomed to perfection she likes to look in the mirror once she is finished just in case you have missed a spot.

This is my little Princess Lili

Yettie xx

Lady Rudie Ru

Well then people say hello to one of my two Yorkshire Terriers Rudie Ru; nicknamed Ru-De-Ru. She has three distinct vices yes vices.

Ru-De-Ru has a bubbly tomboy like personality.  She loves to be petted and loves nothing better than sitting on your lap while your in front of the TV. She is not shy when she wants to be stroked she will claw at your hand or even try to put her head underneath it.

Ru-De-Ru has a mission, why the mission was given to her is anyone's guess but she carries out this mission as if her life depends on it. What is this mission I hear you ask? Well it is digging yes digging any opportunity that rears it's head and off she goes, it doesn't matter what or where it is, be it outside in the grass, my lovely fur cushions in the living room, her bed, the couch anywhere she is obsessed one minute she is pottering about the next her front paws are a blur and yes you have guessed it she is digging again.

Ru-De-Ru's other passion is licking. She has the ability to zoom in on naked flesh with uncanny precision I'm sure it is an art form, you could be walking passed her with bare feet and yes out comes her tongue and you've been licked.

So this is The Lady Rudie Ru.

Yettie xx

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Signing On...

Where is the logic I ask myself!

I was told to sign on at 9am this morning so left the house at 8:30am sharp got the bus at 8:35am walked the small distance to the dole office the time now is 8:50am; went to walk in and nearly broke my nose on the door, it was locked, YES locked.

So I stood in the cold and waited 9am came and went bodies were stood on the other side of the door watching me shivering watching them and waiting 9:04am and one body decides to open the door.

In I went and handed my book over BUT were they ready! NO they had to run around like ants to find a tick sheet encase I went for my health and not capable of getting the day and time right.

9:10am I go upstairs to see someone to question me like the Gestapo and was told to sit and yes you've guessed it wait until my name is called. 9:15am I am called my job search book is inspected and I sign a piece of paper 9:16am I have been dealt with and on my way out.

So why is being on time for appointments so important?... your guess is as good as mine lol

Saturday, 2 October 2010

What a Morning

Have you ever had one of those days, well this is mine (you may need tissues for this one).

I got up and let my two Yorkshire Terriers out the back door on auto pilot as normal, clicked on the kettle and lit a fag. (nothing unusual about that you say, well read on).

I put down some food and made a cuppa. I go through to the living room, dogs follow running around the furniture daft as usual.  Half way down my cuppa and I'm almost awake, my daughter is pottering around then a spine chilling scream comes from her direction; and now I'm definitely awake... I then see what has happened a pee has appeared on my beautiful salmon pink couch.

Not just a little puddle oh no... a pee from hell, which starts from the top of the couch cascading down the back and flowing onto the cushions then spread over not just one, cushion but two, like a mini waterfall.

Then like a flash the dogs disappear into the kitchen and into bed like little angels (but with dirty faces) my daughter and I look at each other in an amazed slow motion unbelieving look. Did my dogs actually pee all down the couch... unfortunately yes they did!

So rather than easing slowly into my day. I had to strip and wash the couch covers leaving my posh designer living room like a store cupboard for cushions.

Why on earth would they have a saying "man's best friend is his dog..." ? Sooo why may I ask... would your best friend pee on the couch! Grrr

Gone is my day of relaxation a quick run of the vacuum cleaner, a flick of the duster and then relax yeah right.

I have to sit in my living room that looks like a grenade has been thrown into it with the delightful smell of damp couch and ammonia. I should have stayed in bed.

boo hoo Yettie x

An Introduction to Yettie

Hi all,

Well this is me I am a single parent with a grown up daughter.  I have recently found my self 'redundant' and looking for work again after almost ten years of employment Boo Hoo, I was an Administrator/Tutor in the Education field. (Thought this would be a job for life too lol x)

Not having much luck on the job front at the moment so have decided to keep myself active with some hobbies I have neglected due to not enough hours in the day.

In my youth I was a keen writer of short stories and also enjoyed all forms of art so decided this was a good place to start. Hopefully I can keep myself sane and also entertain a few people on the way.

Enjoy Yettie x