
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Signing On...

Where is the logic I ask myself!

I was told to sign on at 9am this morning so left the house at 8:30am sharp got the bus at 8:35am walked the small distance to the dole office the time now is 8:50am; went to walk in and nearly broke my nose on the door, it was locked, YES locked.

So I stood in the cold and waited 9am came and went bodies were stood on the other side of the door watching me shivering watching them and waiting 9:04am and one body decides to open the door.

In I went and handed my book over BUT were they ready! NO they had to run around like ants to find a tick sheet encase I went for my health and not capable of getting the day and time right.

9:10am I go upstairs to see someone to question me like the Gestapo and was told to sit and yes you've guessed it wait until my name is called. 9:15am I am called my job search book is inspected and I sign a piece of paper 9:16am I have been dealt with and on my way out.

So why is being on time for appointments so important?... your guess is as good as mine lol

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