
Saturday 2 October 2010

What a Morning

Have you ever had one of those days, well this is mine (you may need tissues for this one).

I got up and let my two Yorkshire Terriers out the back door on auto pilot as normal, clicked on the kettle and lit a fag. (nothing unusual about that you say, well read on).

I put down some food and made a cuppa. I go through to the living room, dogs follow running around the furniture daft as usual.  Half way down my cuppa and I'm almost awake, my daughter is pottering around then a spine chilling scream comes from her direction; and now I'm definitely awake... I then see what has happened a pee has appeared on my beautiful salmon pink couch.

Not just a little puddle oh no... a pee from hell, which starts from the top of the couch cascading down the back and flowing onto the cushions then spread over not just one, cushion but two, like a mini waterfall.

Then like a flash the dogs disappear into the kitchen and into bed like little angels (but with dirty faces) my daughter and I look at each other in an amazed slow motion unbelieving look. Did my dogs actually pee all down the couch... unfortunately yes they did!

So rather than easing slowly into my day. I had to strip and wash the couch covers leaving my posh designer living room like a store cupboard for cushions.

Why on earth would they have a saying "man's best friend is his dog..." ? Sooo why may I ask... would your best friend pee on the couch! Grrr

Gone is my day of relaxation a quick run of the vacuum cleaner, a flick of the duster and then relax yeah right.

I have to sit in my living room that looks like a grenade has been thrown into it with the delightful smell of damp couch and ammonia. I should have stayed in bed.

boo hoo Yettie x

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