
Monday 20 December 2010


Princess Lili
Well hello guy's have you missed me?  I have been neglecting you all so apologies x

We have snow in Ayr amazing huh I have been here for 17ish years and no snow has settled for more than a day or so something to do with the sea salt air or so I have been told.

I awoke a fine winter morn to chattering teeth (that turned out to be my own) opened my curtains to shut my window and saw a beautiful white blanket of snow outside; very picturesque and calming.

Lady Rudie Ru
I went through my usual ritual and let out my girls thinking they would refuse to go out but no... they loved it pranced about like Bambi in the spring rubbing their noses into the snow and my lovely white blanket was destroyed in minutes they even like the taste lol.

So now I have a new dilemma I am not sure if they need the toilet or just want to play but almost every hour on the half hour they ask to go out so now I have to shiver at the back door while they play before deciding if they need the loo or not...

By the way I now hate the snow

Yettie x

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